What is Freedom of Testation and why is it important?

The principle of freedom of testation states that every person may legally decide what happens to their own estate after death. Practically, this means that everyone may create a will at any time throughout their life to make their wishes and instructions known when they die. A person who makes a will is known as […]

Be cautious of executors and institutions who write wills for free


There are executors and institutions out there offering to write people’s will for free. While having your will recorded is of course highly important, I encourage you not to nominate and appoint an executor on your will simply because they offer you this one service for free. Your executor is going to play an important […]

What Is A Digital Will and Why Should You Have One?

Marsh fidelity what is a digital will

A digital Will tells your executor what to do with your online assets when you die. It’s a document that focuses on what you would like to have said and done with your online memberships and accounts. Do I really need a Digital Will? A digital Will isn’t as crucial as a Last Will And […]