Digital Will Template

A Digital Will tells your executor what to do with your online assets when you die. It’s a document that focuses on what you would like to have said and done with your online memberships and accounts. It also allows those you love important access in your absence.


Digital Will Template


Although not as crucial as a Last Will And Testament in many ways but given that most of us spend a great deal of time in the digital ecosystem and have a strong online presence (even stronger perhaps than we’re always aware), we think it’s extremely wise to have instructions in place on what to do in the event of your death. Without such details, your loved ones may have a very hard time indeed managing and wrapping up certain of your affairs.

Your online presence includes not only your social media and gaming accounts but also your email boxes and any subscriptions, cryptocurrency and shopping accounts.

What should you include?

A digital will generally include your log in details and instructions for the following:

  1. Digital devices
  2. Email accounts
  3. Social media accounts
  4. Gaming accounts
  5. Online shopping accounts
  6. Monthly subscriptions
  7. Cloud-storage accounts
  8. Any personal websites

We can send you a FREE digital will

As always, we’re more than happy to chat and guide you through this process. We understand that it can be an emotional exercise to think about your passing. However, we believe that you may find this process to be rewarding. And importantly, you will be able to rest assured that your online presence will be managed carefully and according to your wishes when the time comes.

To find out more, read our full Digital Will blog post here.



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