Letter Of Wishes Template

This letter – a ‘letter of wishes’ – is something that you attach to your Will when you conduct your estate planning. When the time comes, your executor will share this letter with your loved ones. Sharing with it, in your own words, the ways in which your estate is to be shared and managed.


Letter Of Wishes Template


While most of us know that it’s important to plan for the smooth handover of your estate when you pass, not everyone considers how valuable it would be to leave a last letter of wishes. Did you consider one while conducting your estate planning?

This letter – a ‘letter of wishes’ – is something that you attach to your Will when you conduct your estate planning. When the time comes, your executor will share this letter with your loved ones. Sharing with it, in your own words, the ways in which your estate is to be shared and managed.

Making estate planning more personal

At Marsh Fidelity, we believe a letter of wishes holds immense value and it should not be overlooked.

There are three main reasons why we believe that this letter of wishes is so critical.

  1. It provides helpful financial advice
  2. It gives important advice, thoughts and wishes
  3. It offers important closure

Marsh Fidelity estate planning: we can help you writeyour letter of wishes

It might seem a daunting task to write a letter of wishes. We completely understand. There are the questions of what to focus on, how to structure it and above all that, it’s naturally a very emotional exercise.

This is why we offer to you help you to write it. This is our area of expertise. We are here to guide you sensitively through what to think about and how to write it down.

“If a professional had been involved, he or she would have immediately realised that the overall family scenario was difficult and delicate.” – Taylor v Taylor. Time and time again we see situations where a professional, impartial opinion would’ve changed the entire dynamic of a situation.

Based on your particular situation, we might suggest one or more letters of wishes. Sometimes clients like to leave personal letters to different individuals. This is a good idea if you’d like to leave very personal advice or wishes for things like future life events (weddings and childbirth, for example).

Again, this is something we can help you to think through.

Find out more in our full blog post here.



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